World of Code:Dilucesco

From Isekai Wiki
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Japan is dominated by an unprecedentedly large corporation; meanwhile, the dark mist is eating away citizens' dreams. In the face of such a dilemma, how would Isekai Wiki respond?


Eden Knights

An organization founded by Keisuke Furukawa, members are mostly nostalgists. Gathered to oppose Panguin's push for dreamnet. The stronghold of this organization is the Isekai Café, under the Tsubaki niwa bridge. But theres also some Penguin's undercove in the organization.

The Lost Eden

Japanese: ザーロストイーデン

The site, located on the KansouCoin chain, does not offer VR mode support, is also a gathering place for Eden Knights to gather and recruits new members.

Custodes Diluculorum

Japanese: 暁の守護者 (Akatsuki no goei-dan)

Chinese: 曙光护卫团

An organization formed by people who have been blessed by Isekai Wiki Gods or returned from the Isekai. Their mission is to resist the dark mist in Isekai.

Anyone in Custodes Diluculorum can use the Power of Dynamis (δύναμις) . Through the use of this power, they can travel to Isekai, and use superpowers.

Generation members

The generation members are all blessed by Isekai Wiki Gods. Because of the blessing, they can freely travel between Isekai and the real world .

2nd-generation members

The second generation members are all enterd the Isekai created by themselves and then return to the real world. They can cross between the world on their own world on their own, and their superpower are more stronger than generation members.


The world, shaped by people's fantasies, is connected to the real world. People's fantasies can affect Isekai, and the erosion in the Isekai can also affect people's mind in real world.

At the beginning, Isekai Wiki is a normal website. but after the creation of the artificial god Yoi Sekai , pages on Isekai Wiki became associated with Isekai. The pages on Isekai Wiki will unreadable or disappear when the linked isekai has been eroded.

The beginning of an Isekai is a static world created by author. There's no history, there's no future, and there's no soul in the world. Intervene from the outside world can make the other world arise life and soul. Interventions can be divided into two types.

  1. Indirect intervention: Settings of the world are recognized by the public, while a large number of Doujin creations.
  2. Direct intervention: Isekai being eroded by the dark fog or people from real world entered the Isekai.

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Page not found is not disappear in the web site database, but you can't understand the content when you view the page.


After entering the Isekai, some details that are not specified in the world settings are automatically filled in according to the thoughts of the first person from real world and enters the world.

Dark mist

The phenomenon caused by meme virus, have different behaviors in different Isekai. The most basic performance is to enhance the power of evil forces, cause the world to collapse, and break the connection between Isekai and the real world. In the end, the Isekai will disappear completely.

Le Grimoire de la Genèse

Japanese: 創世のグリモワール (創世のGrimoire)

The Grimoire, which records the original fate of the Isekai, is located in both the Isekai Toshokan (Library) and the Isekai. It is same as page on Isekai Wiki. The encroachment of the black mist also began from Grimoire.

The principle of traveling between worlds

The method of traveling to Isekai is Concept Migration. The generation members can migrate their concept with the help of Isekai Wiki Gods. The second generation members can migrate their concept by themselves.

After dead in Isekai

Because reincarnation is similar as concept migration in Isekai, dead in Isekai will truncate the concept in Isekai (Which usually manifest as lost of memory). If the world traveller could manipulate Dynamis very well, he can also keep some impressions of Isekai. Since the Source of the concept is the real world, traveller's soul will return to the real world directly through Concept Migration.

When the person dead in Isekai re-entered, the concept of the dead characher will be blurred or redefined as it conflicts with the concept of the dead character.

Mediational Field

There's where the soul resides, The Mediational Field is in a high dimensional space, the soul gathers around Well-known concept, and connections between concepts are memes.

Penguin Ltd.

Japanese: ペンギン

Chinese: 盘古鹰

The second-largest company in Japan by market capitalisation (and became first after acquisition Momonori) .

Penguin dropped the meme virus Kuro (Black) Killer in the VRMMO AnoWorld and the popular idol Aido Ireza.

The project developed by Penguin Ltd.
Project name Japanese Chinese name Introduction Real Action
Gen (Fantasy) Gear 幻ギヤ 幻境VR头盔 Next-generation immersive VR device Promoting their products
Dokodemo (Everywhere) Link 何処でもリンク 随想连接AR AR glasses Additions to GenGear
Rakuen (The Eden) 楽園 乐园 Virtual-reality portal
Ano (The) World あのワールド 另一个世界 Open world MMORPG for GenGear
AidoIreza 相戸イレザ 相户伊蕾萨 A virtual idol for GenGear To brainwash Japanese citizens
KuroKiller 黒キラー 暗影杀手 The virus dropped in AnoWorld and Aido Ireza
YumeNet 夢ネット 梦网 A new internet system based on GenGear network Monopolistic Japanese Internet

Meme virus

Virus name: Kuro (Black) killer, Vir-MEME-317

Transmission route: VR devices, Isekai

Disease symptoms: People will lost fantasize, as does the ability to imagine Isekai. In Isekai, behavers is different in each isekai, but will produce "Dark Mist", at last, Isekai will be broken.

The Happiness and Peace Commission

Japanese: 幸福安心委員会

A subordinate organization of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, whose aim is to promote the happiness of the Japanese citizens. They eagle with Penguin Ltd., and want to use the meme virus to eliminate the "instability" in the hearts of the people.


Japanese: もものり

Once the most valuable company in Japan

Main productions of Momonori are smartphones and mobile software, and Japan's largest social forum: 13ch.

Because of a large public opinion incident on the 13ch forum, the stock price fell and Momonori was eventually acquired by Penguin.


When pangui was investigated and sold the entertainment business, he took over anoworld and Xianghu Iresa, and then developed konoworld, an extended version of anoworld's Mr.


The Highly Autonomous AI Games (HAAG), originally developed by the Nagoya Institute of Technology. The number of online players of this game exceeded 500,000 in just a few weeks. Later, this game was acquired by Penguin Inc.. With the help of Penguin's strong promotion channels, this game quickly become the most popular online game in Japan.


Created by HAAG, AnoWorld's automated error handling and management AI.

A new generation of AI under development in AnoWorld. Originally it is test code. Because the separation will produce serious bugs so it is kept by lazy programmer. Penguin's developers doesn't know this AI exists. She's normally dormant.


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Atami Akama

Main character of the 2-gen storyline. One of the founders of Custodes Diluculorum. He is an otaku, but also does odd job at family market. He thought Chūnibyō is cool, so he tried to become Chūnibyō. He's got a great brain, but he's a complete idiot when he's enthusiastic.

Japanese: 熱海赤真 (あたみ あかま)

Age: 17

Like: Sweets and online games

Dislike: gain weight

Net name: Dark Knight

Furukawa Keisuke

Atami's best friend, the gifted high school student, the hacker. He is currently suspended from school due to campus violence. He is the founder of the Eden Knights. Because of lack of Dynamis, he couldn't join the Custodes Diluculorum.

Japanese: 古川圭介 (ふるかわ けいすけ)

Age: 18

Like: Coding, salty food

Dislike: Someone else enters his room

Net name: Keisuke (計伊寸祁)

Hanafuji Ranryō

Japanese: 花藤蘭陵 (はなふじ らんりょう)

One of the patron saints of the Isekai Wiki, sister is Yoi Sekai.

Rokuoka Takashi

thumb|277x277px|Rokuoka Takashi A member of Custodes Diluculorum, closes his dream world to resist the KuroKiller, and his soul is trapped in his dream world. Saved by Atami Akama, After that he joined Custodes Diluculorum.

He won't actively meddle with something troublesome, some dark and artful.

Japanese: 六岡隆 (ろくおか たかし)

Age: 16

Like: Divination, Occultism

Dislike: Make choice

Net name: Rokuoka Takashi (陸陸陸)

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Tsuyuri Otoha